Episode 9: The Future of Beauty Is Video Marketing with Nia The Video Confidence Coach

woman with brown skin holding a glass perfume bottle

Nia the Video Confidence Coach talks all things video and social media marketing with Maureen.  Nia is a social media strategist who specializes in working with women entrepreneurs.  She has worked with large beauty brands including Shea Moisture (Canada).



You'll learn how to...

  • Leverage your online marketing
  • Build a community around your beauty brand
  • Sell out - consistently!
  • Price yourself for growth



Structure your business the way you want:

Consider your schedule.  How can you work on your goals without getting burnt out?  Does your pricing reflect your goals for the business?  Plan on making your side gig the main gig if you're passionate about it!  Then, figure out how you want your days to look and plan accordingly.


Leverage social media:

Brand awareness can be created through your social media.  You can also support activism within your product category through social movements.  Even platforms like Tik Tok can put creators on the map quickly!  For example, KVD beauty went viral through Tik Tok and allowed them to sell out on the launch day of a new product.  

Millennials are making buying decisions through relationships on social media and the voice of influencers.  People often make the decision to consume through social media recommendations.


How to create content for social media:

Have a phone that creates great video, possibly a tripod or something to set your phone on, and decent lighting.  Even a ring light will work!

Create consistent content through a content strategy.  Knowing what and when to post will help you connect with audiences and drive sales from your community.

Set aside time every week or every month to batch your content and plan ahead for what you need.

Be sure to use captions and create accessibility for your content regardless of the user.  Then, test your quality and look at insights to see what's performing well!


How To Create Community:

Listen to what your followers are saying!  Take the time to engage with every comment and message, and respond to feedback.  Whether you have five people or five thousand people who are watching, keep the same energy that you would have with five thousand.  It is important to serve your followers well.  Be sure to also post live content as replays to reach future audiences.


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