Welcome to The Product Profit Lab
Where product-based businesses become market-leading brands
Learn to build an obsession-brand with scientific precision, so you can accelerate your revenues and become a household name.
BOOK A CALLAn Apprenticeship with Master Brand Growth Strategist Maureen Mwangi

Here’s what they never tell you:
Brand-building is more science than art.
Big brands don’t use trial and error, and neither should you. The Product Profit Lab will help you become a market leader in your category using real market research techniques, data-driven decision making, and customer-driven brand growth strategy.
I’ll show you how to get your customers to hand you the brand-building answers you need on a silver platter:
- The Right Pricing for Your Products
- The Proper Brand Positioning
- The Obsession-Stoking Brand Decisions
- Fresh, High-Converting Campaigns & Messaging
- The Design, Distribution, and Profitability Strategies Your Brand Needs to Implement Next
Let's make sure you avoid the pitfalls most product-based entrepreneurs make
We're so glad you found us because what you're about to learn could save you HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars avoiding all the mistakes product-based entrepreneurs usually make:
- Inventory Mistakes
- Costly Branding Missteps
- Product Delistings
- Product Recalls
- Wasted Startup Costs
- Underpricing
- Copying Competitors
- Inaccurate Margin Calculations
- Shipping Debacles
I can help you because I've built over 50 brands.
I'm not a newbie who's built one successful brand. I've built more than 50.
Don't waste any more time and money piecing together fragmented information and strategies from "experts" who may only know what's worked on their own brand.
Get everything you need to build your product-based brand in one place.
We'll teach you to smash your product out of the park by learning and implementing real branding, marketing, and sales strategies that are backed up by *gasp* REAL DATA, so you can predict, respond, and scale your product-based business.

Here’s how you’ve unknowingly capped your profits and slowed your growth… until now.
You haven’t used data to fully understand your customer and what they want to buy.
Why isn’t your marketing working well enough?
We really can’t tell until we know we’ve nailed the product, positioning, messaging, and brand.
If no one wants a mint sunscreen, then no amount of marketing is going to fix that.
If you think you’re marketing LUXURY when your product is actually better positioned for VOLUME, you’re going to fail.
If your brand speaks to “safety” but your customer really wants “adventure”, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
How do you figure all of this out? Data-driven market research that hands you these answers on a silver platter.
You’ve tried to power over your sales strategy issues with more marketing.
Facebook courses & boosted posts, Instagram Stories, Pinterest Marketing, fancy websites, bailing on your website for Etsy...
These things can’t fix a brand that’s not already performing with placement alone.
For example, if we get your product into Whole Foods… (Oh yes, I can help you do that) and it doesn’t perform right there on the shelf, Instagram is not going to help.
Not knowing how to spot your sales issues has you:
- Watching a lot of YouTube videos
- Attending all the free webinars (even those for service-based businesses!)
- Listening to anything that sounds like branding and marketing training
- Pre-auditioning for Shark Tank too early
- Copying your competitors’ strategies
All in the hopes that marketing will fix a sales issue that has a root cause based in where and how you sell.
You don’t understand how to tailor your marketing to your growth strategy.
There are only three ways to grow your product-based business:
- Get more customers.
- Get your customers to buy more per order.
- Get your customers to buy more frequently.
Each of these has a specific time and place, and your marketing strategies need to be driving the right results -- in the right order.
We’ll get your marketing working to rapidly accelerate your product sales because it's pulling the right growth levers your brand needs now.
Allow me to show you how to turn your product-based business into an obsession brand with scientific precision.
I’m here to teach you the REAL business-building strategies you need to dominate your category - the same ones big brands use to dominate theirs.
Here's what building an Obsession Brand like Peloton, LaCroix, or Coca Cola can mean to you...
Seeing your product on the shelves of a big brand retailer, like Walmart
Skyrocketing your brand growth with all the speed of Kylie’s lip kits
Turning your brand into a beloved cult-classic
Splashing onto the market with a product as loved as Pom Wonderful
Getting acquired by the giants in your industry – like Pepsico, Kellogg, or Unilever
Being featured on the cover of Forbes magazine
Landing a shark as an investor
Generating record-breaking sales from your e-commerce store
Being in the hearts, minds, and homes of every one of your customers in America
The cash you’ll save for your retirement, debt-payoff, and fun-money funds!
Hi! I’m Maureen Mwangi.
In my 10+ year career building product-based brands, I’ve been able to bring my brands some pretty off-the-charts results:
- I’ve invented a freaking chip - a pretty successful one, too. #LivingtheDream Ever tried the Lays Chesapeake Crab Spice? Millions of people have and the product did $1.2MM in sales in its first year!
- If you love Greek yogurt, you’ve probably tried my baby >> Chobani’s vanilla and plain Greek yogurt. I took the Chobani brand & these two initial products from concept to cash register. It’s now a multi-million dollar product line.
- I helped Dove expand its GoFresh brand by coming up with the cucumber and raspberry product lines, which added 35% to their baseline volume - a whopping $70M.
Now, you have the opportunity to apprentice with me, as we build your brand together.
Ready to join me?
The strategist behind some of America's most beloved brands

Here’s how I know you’re experiencing lagging sales:
You’ve probably been focused on mastering marketing - things like figuring out the Instagram algorithm or your site’s SEO.
Here’s the problem with that:
The trouble is that most entrepreneurs think they have a problem with their marketing, when IN REALITY, they have a problem with their brand growth strategy.
You need a product brand your customers rave about and spread for you by word of mouth. (Customers who are crazier than me in a frenzy trying to get home to catch the latest episode of Shark Tank. Mark doesn’t like it when I’m late.)
You don’t need much more than a great idea, a solid brand strategy, and the right data to build a successful product-based business. (That -- and a whole lotta hustle. Let’s be real.)
3x Revenue Case Study
My client Vintara Collections was the perfect example...

"Maureen helped us 3X our revenue!"
“The trajectory of my business has forever-changed! Before meeting Maureen, I was worried that my brand had no distinction or just looked like our competitors. My sales were stagnant, and investors didn’t want to provide any additional funds to help scale my business. I didn’t know who to reach out because there are very few experienced Brand Growth Strategists out there.
Now, we’ve been able to 3X our revenue and we received a $20,000 grant for my business for the next two years. We’ve amplified our brand, and we continue to do so with Maureen as our Brand Growth Strategist.”
- Ian Mati, CEO Vintara
Vintara Collection’s Growth Breakthrough
When I met Ian (CEO of Vintara), he was working really hard and felt pretty maxed out looking for funds to operate his business.
But he still had a lot of problems ahead of him that he needed to solve:
- Limited production capacity
- Monthly product launches to attract a new audience
- Poor margins
- Sluggish sales
- Constant “NO’s” from investors
- Ineffective e-commerce brand growth strategies
Ian’s ambition was to create a business that would provide his family a full-time income, and for that, he needed a serious revenue breakthrough.
He also wanted to build a fashion brand that could become a household name.
Here’s what Ian thought he needed...
More money to ramp up distribution
Membership to other entrepreneurial programs to master the craft.
A more effective e-commerce website.
He thought - for sure - he had a marketing problem.
But what he really had was a brand growth strategy problem.
Here’s what Ian really needed.
See, Ian lacked the skills he needed to interpret the data his customers were already giving him. This caused him to constantly react to market demands instead of anticipating them.
He couldn’t get clear on his messaging because he couldn’t decode the mixed messages his sales were implying.
His business wasn’t structured in a way that would allow him to pre-plan for growth and make his brand super profitable before even considering marketing.
Ian thought he needed to CREATE demand through marketing activities.
But in fact, the strategies Ian needed to tweak his pricing, positioning, and brand identity and skyrocket his revenue from $50,000 to $150,000 could be found in the data he already had in his back pocket.
Once he had an experienced brand growth strategist like me showing him how to translate his customer’s feedback into the strategic brand decisions that would help him grow, he flourished.
That’s all you need too. That, and a little practice.
Super interested but need more info?
Book a call with Maureen to discuss the program & see if it’s right for your needs.
BOOK A CALLIntroducing
The Product Profit Lab
The Apprenticeship you need to build an incredible product-based brand from the ground up & and rapidly accelerate your revenue to become a total shark of the product world.
No complicated marketing strategies required!

The Product Profit Lab isn’t a course.
It’s an apprenticeship.
Yes, you'll learn how to analyze your sales, get and retain more customers, get into big box retailers, capitalize on new growth opportunities, and achieve “market leader” status that you know your brand can be.
But more importantly, you'll work hand-in-hand with me to get you there.
This program contains everything I've learned from growing brands like Lays, Dove, L’Oreal, and Chobani by tens of millions of dollars - with my product inventions, brand strategy, and market research...
As well as while working with small to mid-sized product entrepreneurs to rapidly accelerate their revenue.
This is the stuff I now charge a minimum of $40K to learn from me one-on-one… but don’t worry. It won’t cost you anywhere near that much.

The Product Profit Lab is the first program of its kind that…
Shows entrepreneurs how to use data and market research to identify the psychology, buying habits, and preferences of their ideal customer to position & market products that fly off the shelves
Customer-centered brand building is more than a catch phrase. It’s a keystone to market-leading brand strategy.
I’ve spent days in my customers’ living rooms doing the evidence-based research needed to really understand the customer’s worldview. Surveys and focus groups won’t cut it.
In this program. you’ll learn the market research techniques you need to find out what sells, so you can do more of that, instead of wasting your time on revenue-draining “hot and cold” strategies.
Helps frustrated, paralyzed product-based entrepreneurs to “unstick” their product growth, skyrocket their sales, and multiply their profits with scientific precision.
This program will help increase your sales and grow your revenue fast by teaching you to maximize the different levers of brand growth, including pricing, packaging, positioning, messaging, placement, and distribution.
Without these foundational strategies, you’re just guessing and throwing darts at the wall. When you understand the scientific-precision that goes into making these critical decisions for your brand, you’ll be unstoppable - from proof-of-concept to profit.
Gives you the exact tactical steps for marketing & scaling to become a market leader in your category >> The Big Brand way.
We’re going to help you take your product from proof of concept to cash register -- because Big Brands don’t rely on random media exposure to grow.
In most cases, big brands have to promise their investors a certain amount of sales each quarter - in advance!
This program will teach you how to pre-plan growth and make your brand super profitable by leveraging the right marketing and scale strategies in the right order, so you get the biggest returns on your marketing dollars, while you manage record-breaking sales.
The Product Profit Lab will revolutionize your brand.
We'll map out the brand growth strategies your brand is really ready for, so you can generate more sales now and dominate the market.
We have included everything you need to rapidly accelerate your sales & build a brand your customers obsess over.
Product Profit Lab Academy
$5000 value
The membership site where all our recorded trainings will be housed. We’ll cover how big brands grow their products into household names. You will master the skills that:
- Develop your brand's secret sauce, so you can determine whether your product is properly positioned, dial in your pricing, create the right distribution strategy, and beat the market with a real competitive advantage.
- Build a brand obsession with great messaging, brand story, and built in wow-factor, so you can acquire new customers, generate repeat-sales, start reeling in more of the right customers, and become a household name.
- Give your brand some real sex-appeal to win over the hearts and wallets of your customers, from logos to imagery to packaging using the science that builds memory structures in your client’s mind, so they want you and they think of you when they’re ready to buy.
- Maximize your sales — Together, we’ll tackle strategic ways to place your product in the outlets that matter, manage your inventory to create demand, target new markets, optimize your eCommerce store, increase retention, decrease churn… I can go on!

A live apprenticeship with Maureen Mwangi
$20,000 VALUE
All the coaching you need to humanize your brand, skyrocket your sales, and generate more revenue now from a product brand growth strategist who has successfully built over 50 brands.
- The bi-weekly live laser-coaching sessions where you will be able to diagnose the real reasons your sales are lagging and fix them together, so you can decide if you really need that design change/packaging change/pricing change you’ve been thinking about.
- The personalized feedback you need to implement big-brand retail strategies like selling through Wal-mart, Bed Bath & Beyond, or Sephora with the branding, sales proposition, and growth strategies that will drive your business long-term.
- The monthly Brand Strategy Sessions where Maureen answers questions from the group and provides step-by-step suggestions and feedback that add the “IT-factor” to your product-based brand.

The Private Product Profit Lab Facebook Group
a $497/year value
This is a group of fierce product entrepreneurs who have a real brand, a differentiated product, and month over month revenue growth.
This is where you’ll go to get your most pressing questions answered quickly and accurately, learn from what other entrepreneurs are doing.
- Get feedback from Maureen and Guest Experts
- Weekly training live in the Facebook group, incorporating the newest strategies Maureen discovers through her advanced market research strategies
- Replays of laser coaching sessions and The Brand Strategy Calls

And an exclusive bonus!
To make sure you're supported every step of the way, you'll also get access to this:
A One Hour Private Profit-Strategy Coaching Call with Master Brand Growth Strategist Maureen Mwangi
$2,500 value
A one-hour live one-on-one coaching session (not in a group! This is private) where I’ll be reviewing your business data with a fine-tooth comb to help you find opportunities for a fast cash injection. This one call could help pay for the entire price of this program. This call has generated $20K in sales for ONE of my clients.

Let’s put your product where it belongs:
In every home in America.
We’ll take your product from proof of concept to profit -- together.
BOOK A CALLImagine what you’ll be able to do when your product becomes a household name…
- When your beauty brand is picked up by Sephora
- When your personal care product partners with Bath & Body Works
- When your brand becomes the next Chobani, Dove, or Lays of the world
- When your fashion line gets featured in New York Fashion Week
- When you’re getting serious interest from investors
That’s what we aim to achieve inside The Product Profit Lab.

From just an idea to a multi-6 figure business!
"I started working with Maureen before my products were even finished being manufactured. Within 6 months, we’ve generated over $5K/month. A year later, I have a multi-6 figure brand. Without Maureen, I’d be flying blind.”
Odette Shirley, Maison Jouvence

Finally hitting $20K+ months per month!
"Maureen is worth every penny. I wish I had met her 10 years ago! In my first month working with her, I went from doing a few hundred dollars in sales to $2K in less than 4 weeks in the middle of the PANDEMIC! A year later, I am now hitting $20K a month, hiring a team and having my very own design studio!”
Porche N., Lead Fashion Designer of Porche Nikia Designs
Join The Product Profit Lab today and get…

Product Profit Lab Academy
$5000 value
The Membership Platform contains recordings of all the training we produce & record throughout the program, tailored to your business needs. We will cover:
- Develop your brand's secret sauce, so you can determine whether you have the right product positioning, dial in your pricing, create the right distribution strategy, and beat the market with a real competitive advantage
- Build a brand obsession with great messaging, brand story, and built in wow-factor, so you can acquire new customers, generate repeat-sales, position your brand as the market leader, and become a habit in your customer’s everyday life
- Give your brand some real sex appeal to win over the hearts and wallets of your customers, from logos to imagery to packaging, using the science that builds memory structures in your client’s mind, so they want you and they think of you when they’re ready to buy.
- Maximize your sales —Together, we’ll tackle strategic ways to place your product in the outlets that matter, manage your inventory to create demand, target new markets, optimize your ecommerce store, increase customer retention, and decrease customer churn.
A live apprenticeship with Maureen Mwangi
$20,000 value
You'll get access to Maureen every week to get the laser coaching and feedback you need to rapidly accelerate your sales and build an obsession-brand
- Register for bi-weekly hot seats to get Maureen’s eyes and ears on your business and your particular blocks & circumstance
- Join the monthly Brand Strategy Sessions to ask Maureen those in-between questions, prep for events, and review data insights
- Get personalized, tailored feedback every step of the way. We get to know your business intimately!
- Get weekly support from Maureen inside the Facebook group to answer your tactical questions submitted via post.

The Private The Product Profit Lab Facebook Group
$497/year value
This is a group of fierce product entrepreneurs who have a real brand, a differentiated product, and month over month revenue growth.
This is where you’ll go to get your most pressing questions answered quickly and accurately, learn from what other entrepreneurs are doing, and …
- Get feedback from Maureen and Guest Experts
- Weekly training live in the Facebook group, incorporating the newest strategies Maureen discovers through her advanced market research strategies
- Replays of laser coaching sessions and The Brand Strategy Calls
Exclusive Bonus
A One Hour Private Profit-Strategy Coaching Call with Maureen
$2,500 value
A one-hour live one-on-one coaching session (not in a group, this is private!) where I’ll be reviewing your business data with a fine-tooth comb to help you find opportunities for a fast cash injection. This one call could help pay for the entire price of this program. This call has generated over $20K in sales for one of my clients.

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of more than $25,497.
(A ridiculously low investment when you consider the revenue stream you’re about to add to your business!)
Need a few quick questions answered?
Book a call with Maureen to discuss the program & see if it’s right for you.
BOOK A CALL100% No-Fail Guarantee
Our Product Profit Lab Guarantee
We’ve never had someone go through one of our programs as intended and not receive an extraordinary return on their investment. If you’re the first, let’s talk.
This program is for those who are fully committed to achieving their goals. If that’s you, we’re fully, 100% committed to your success. If it’s not, we strongly encourage you to seek out another program instead.
The Product Profit Lab works.
The proof is in our people.

The gift that keeps on giving!
"Through this program, I have elevated my mindset and brand. In less than 6 months, I built a brand, launched a brand new skincare line, secured multiple wholesale orders, placed my product in local beauty spa's and partnered with major influencers in the skincare industry.
If building a brand is what you desire, you'll get this and so much more!.
Brianna Z. , CEO of Alté Beauty

From Invisible to $15k in Sales Within 3 Months!
“Prior to meeting Maureen, we didn't have a robust eCommerce platform, social media presence, and system for growth.
Within 3 months of working with Maureen that turned into products being stocked in a boutique in Netherlands, 3 new product lines and generating over $15,000 in sales from our eCommerce platform, all organically.”
Mendjaly, CEO of Frize Frize

Without this program, my brand would be nonexistant!
“Since joining the program, i have been able to launch my exceptional brand, exploded my social media presence, and generated over $2K within 3 weeks of launching my brand new brand."
Denisha S., CEO of Glow'rious Routine

Doubled my previous years sales -within 5 months!
"I joined the program after months of sales plateau. Within 5 months, we doubled our sales compared to the previous year!”
Olga j., CEO of Natzen
Let's sum it up!
Here's everything you'll get in The Product Profit Lab.

Product Profit Lab Academy
Valued at $5,000
Mentorship with Maureen Mwangi
Valued at $25,000
The Product Profit Lab Facebook Group
Valued at $497
Bi-Weekly Laser Coaching Calls
Tailored Brand Growth Strategy Sessions
Total Value inside the lab: $25,497
This program will give you the ability to absolutely crush it in brand building.
This will be our focus. The ability to build, position & scale your brand could be worth millions to you over the course of your business.
Like my client Vintara Collections, you’ll be able to rapidly accelerate your revenue. And that’s why the cost of this program will be going up next month.
Let's take a look at your options:
The pain of regret or the pain of taking action.
Scenario 1
It’s 6-12 months from now. You’re still experiencing lagging sales, banging up against the same income ceiling you had before. You’re frustrated & stuck. And now The Product Profit Lab costs thousands more.
Or worse! It’s 10 years from now, and you’re still in hustle mode. You’re still trying disjointed marketing tactics, watching endless YouTube videos, and trying to use service based strategies to change your product-based brand.
Scenario 2
You join The Product Profit Lab where you learn to build:
- a product-based business with scientific precision, and
- an obsession-brand that becomes a market leader.
Now, you know it’s possible for you - because you’ve done it.
Get started now
Apply to the Product Profit Lab
BOOK A CALLStill on the fence?
Here’s what one of our clients has to say:

Recouped my investment within weeks!
"Through this program, I have seen incredible growth. The only reason this program wouldn't work is if you sabotage yourself. Get your mindset right and you'll experience success."
Shaneece Thompson, Kai Blends

One more thing…
If you know you need to join me in The Product Profit Lab, but you’re experiencing some fear, it’s ok. All entrepreneurs do.
You’re no different than my other clients, most of whom struggled to see how they could radically change their business & their bottom line when we first met.
They’re now experiencing steady growth and developing a customer-base that’s obsessed with their brand.
If you learned how to properly position your brand, refine your messaging, lock in the right pricing, and started mastering the right growth strategies for your brand...
Do you believe you would double and triple your sales? And if so, how quickly would you recoup your investment back?
Pretty freaking fast, I’d say.
It’s a decision to stop struggling.
Just like it’s a decision to master market research, brand growth strategy, and sales.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Enroll today & be on your first coaching call within the next 7 days.

Questions? Ask away!
What’s included in The Product Profit Lab?
Who is this program for?
Is this a good program for new business owners?
Does this program cover all aspects of branding and marketing?
Will this work for me if I struggle with creating a full time income with my product business?
I think I’ve seen other programs on product-based businesses. What makes yours different?
Will I get feedback on my brand during the program?
Is the The Product Profit Lab program just for beginners?
How much time will the program take each week?
Will I have lifetime access to The Product Profit Lab?
Do you offer refunds?
What do I do if I need support?
Ready to join The Product Profit Lab?
If so, let’s put your product right where it belongs: in every home in America.
BOOK A CALLWhile we provide highest and best level of services as provided in the scope of the agreement, as with any program, Startward Consulting, LLC is unable to make promises or guarantees with respect to any outcome from participation in the Product Profit Lab program and therefore we cannot and do not guarantee success or any specific level of income or results associated with the services provided. You understand that ultimately you are responsible for your own success in business and that this program is designed to enhance, supplement, and support your business in your efforts to grow.