Episode 1: What Makes A Brand Successful - Part 1

If you want your brand to be successful, there are certain simple—but very specific—things you need to do to make sure you’re giving your product the absolute best chance you can in the market.
The most well-known brands in the world—brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike—have perfected these strategies, and their products are consistently best-sellers.
In my mini series, What Makes A Brand Successful, (this is part 1 of 2), I’ll be explaining each of these things in greater detail and giving you the tips you need to implement them in your business. You’ll learn:
- Why you should be striving to reach that seemingly out-of-reach customer.
- How to be physically present and mentally top-of-mind when your customer is shopping.
- Why touchpoints are important and how our brain keeps track of them.
- How to create and define a memory structure in your customer’s brain.
These are the top four things you need to focus on if you want your brand to be successful...
One: Reaching your target audience
Understand WHO they are. This means knowing when they shop and where they shop. Learn their needs. Then, identify how your brand fits into their lifestyle.
Two: Making your product easy to buy
This does NOT mean convenience. It means be easily accessed at the stores where your customers are buying. Then, it means to be at the top of your customer's mind. Next, find out what their obstacles are when buying. Often a price or package size hesitation can stop sales. Then, research what you can do so that it is easy for your customers to buy.
A good example of this strategy is WalMart. While it does not have stores within large city limits, it is easy for customers to shop with them because they offer everything at one location. People can travel to the store and complete their entire shopping list. This is a type of convenience that you may not think of, but it made WalMart successful.
Three: Ensuring your product is noticeable
Spending money on ads may not generate a return on investment. When you are bombarded with ads, do you pay attention to them? Usually not! Instead, you are skipping or ignoring the brands in those ads.
To become noticeable, research has proven that emotionally-charged ads have the greatest ROI. What emotion can you project in your organic or ads-based content? This is an emotion that you should want linked to your product. It drives connection and brings about traction in your sales.
Finally, create a consistent content strategy. It takes about 16 touchpoints for people to recall your message and your brand. For some reason, consumers know how often they've been exposed to something. Being consistent builds success for your brand.
Four: Building memory structures
The purpose of branding is to build a memory structure! This means creating one distinctive accent that your brand is always created with.
Examples of this are product jingles. No matter where you are, if you hear the beginning of the jingle "Nationwide is on..." you'll be able to complete it.
As new brands, your emphasis should be on creating and defining that memory structure. Constantly tell your consumer what the brand does, what it looks like, what your name is, where it is sold, and when it is consumed.
Implementing these four strategies will help you to create a successful brand!
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