Episode 76: 3 Secrets To Cash Confidence In Your Business

Whether you want your business to be a small passion project on the side or your full–time dream job, your success is ultimately going to come down to cash confidence.
Why? It’s biology. We as humans need that positive feedback loop to keep us focused on what works. When you see that marketing strategy bring in customers, result in conversion, and ultimately pull in sales, it makes all the sweat and tears worth it.
Without that feedback, however, we’re left to flounder and guess at what our strategy needs to be. The hard truth: a business based on guesses is a business trying to build on sand!
The good news? You DON’T need an overblown marketing budget, huge product catalogs, warehouses of inventory, or even a huge audience to get cash confidence.
All you need to do is 3 simple things:
✅ Get awareness
✅ Get considered
✅ Get selected
That’s it!
How do these three things look in real life, and how can you apply them to your brand today? Tune in to today’s episode, and see how cash confidence is right at your fingertips!